Gitguard: where sloppy commits meet their match


3 min read

As software development teams grow larger and more diverse, maintaining a clean and organized codebase becomes increasingly important. One aspect of this organization involves creating meaningful and easy-to-understand commit messages. Enter Conventional Commits and GitGuard, two tools that aim to simplify the process of managing commit messages while promoting best practices within your codebase.

What are Conventional Commits?

Conventional Commits is a specification that outlines guidelines for writing commit messages. These guidelines help create a common standard for developers to understand the changes introduced in a codebase. A typical Conventional Commit message consists of three parts:

<type>(<scope>): <message>
  1. Type: Categorizes the commit into different types, indicating the nature of the change (e.g., feat, fix, chore, etc.).

  2. Scope: Specifies the module, component, or area of the project affected by the commit (optional).

  3. Message: Provides a concise and clear description of the changes made.

By using Conventional Commits, you can benefit from:

  1. Automated semantic versioning: Tools can analyze commit messages to determine version increments based on the types of changes introduced.

  2. Meaningful release notes: Consistent commit messages make it easier to generate relevant information about new features, bug fixes, and other changes during release preparation.

  3. Improved project understanding: Following a convention like Conventional Commits enhances the overall comprehension of the project history, facilitating better collaboration among developers, contributors, and maintainers.

However, implementing Conventional Commits manually can be time-consuming and prone to errors. That's where GitGuard comes in.

Introducing GitGuard

GitGuard is an open-source tool that enforces the Conventional Commits specification, ensuring that every commit message is clear, concise, and follows the established standards. Developed by Segin GH, GitGuard is language-agnostic, compatible with Git, and highly customizable, making it an excellent choice for any project.Some key benefits of using GitGuard include:

  • Language agnosticism: GitGuard works seamlessly with various programming languages, including Python, Rust, and JavaScript, making it an ideal tool for multi-language projects.

  • Git integration: GitGuard integrates with Git's commit-msg hook, acting as a sidekick for your commits, ensuring they're always up to par.

  • Customizable rules: Although not yet available, GitGuard will soon allow you to set your own commit commandments, tailoring it to your project's needs.

  • Cross-platform compatibility: Tested on Linux, GitGuard is working towards compatibility with Windows and macOS, ensuring it's accessible to all.

  • Feedback friendly: GitGuard offers gentle nudges instead of hard knocks, helping you correct your commit messages without causing frustration.

  • Easy setup: With a simple installation process, you can quickly integrate GitGuard into your workflow and start enjoying better commit messages.

How GitGuard Works

Whenever a developer makes changes, commits those changes using Git, and the pre-commit hook is triggered, GitGuard performs commit linting for the commit messages. If the checks pass, the commit proceeds; otherwise, an error message appears, and the commit is halted.

How to Install GitGuard

  1. Download GitGuard in the root of your repository:
  1. Unzip the downloaded file:
bash unzip
  1. Remove the zip file:
bash rm
  1. Change to the .gitguard directory:
cd .gitguard
  1. Install GitGuard:

With GitGuard installed, you can now enjoy the benefits of having clear and consistent commit messages throughout your codebase. As a bonus, you'll also learn more about the importance of commit messages and how to structure them effectively.

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