How to add multiple ssh keys for a single github account


2 min read

Hey there, fellow code wranglers! Today, I'm going to spill the beans on a little trick that saved my bacon during my early developer internships. Picture this: you're happily using your personal GitHub account with SSH, and boom! Suddenly, you need to juggle multiple SSH keys. Sound familiar?

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Your First SSH Key (Yes, it's a breeze!)

  1. Fire up that Terminal:

  2. Generate your SSH key: Replace <your_email_id> with your GitHub email, <id_rsa_name> with a name you want for your RSA file and run this nifty little command :

     ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C “<your_email_id>” -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_name
  3. Start your ssh-agent: This might vary based on your setup, but generally, you can kick it off with:

     eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

    (Pro tip: You need to do this only once.)

  4. Add that SSH key to your ssh-agent: Replace id_rsa_name if yours is different. Here's the command:

     ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_name
  5. Config time: Edit your SSH config file like so: Replace name in Host and IdentityFile parameters accordingly

     cat >> ~/.ssh/config << SSHConfigEoF  
     PreferredAuthentications publickey  
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_name 
  6. Hook it up with GitHub: Add your SSH key to your GitHub account. Check out their guide if you need a hand. adding ssh to Github

  7. Rinse and Repeat for More Keys: When cloning new repos, use a slight twist in the command: Assuming your repo link is git clone<user>/<repo_name> replace with git clone<user>/<repo_name> . name is the Host you gave in step 5

Quick Security Check: Permissions Matter!

  • Config file (rw-r--r-): You can read and write; others can just peek.

  • Private key (id_rsa, rw-------): Eyes only for you – full access, but keep it under wraps!

  • Public key (, rw-r--r--): You can read and write; others can just peek.

There you have it, folks – a quick trip through the world of multiple SSH keys. Whether you're a seasoned dev or just dipping your toes in the tech pool, remember: there's always a way around those pesky tech hurdles.

generate ssh token

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